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I believe life is about the light that we share.  And the vision we live into.

I grew up in the most eastern part of Austria where there no mountains; no skiing, no snowboarding, just lots of wineries.  Yet ever since I was a little kid I felt it was my destiny to be an Olympian in the winter games.  So many people were quick to point out why that could never happen.  Thousands of reasons why I could NOT live my dream were all deleted by just ONE feeling. Passion.

It’s the struggles and fears which are leading us back to our inner light.

I was thirteen on the 11.11.2000, ready to hit the slopes with my best friends and teammates. It was this day which ended my childhood and marked the beginning of a journey. A journey which would require finding myself. 155 people died that day in Kaprun in one of Austria’s biggest disasters, among them all of my friends.

LINK: Julia Dujmovits | Kaprun Survivor and Olympic Champion | Trans World Sport

Follow your dreams. Follow your visions.

How did I manage to overcome the pain? Finally, after many injuries and setback, through yoga and sport.

At one point everything I worked towards to was in the balance. Being on the edge of a cliff with my snowboard in Alaska, standing in the start gate at the 2014 Olympic finals and letting go… that’s what I call flying. It takes a deep inner trust to let go; to let go of everything and just BE in the moment.  That is how I won Olympic Gold – the first ever gold medal in snowboarding for Austria; the first ever gold medal for my home state in any sport. I know I was guided by my angel friends that day.

Getting ready for the Olympics was a long process.  A journey to my inner self. Following my heart with every step I go, getting freaking scared of it sometimes, and finding my way back to a strong inner peace, a place of confidence and clarity – where I feel fearless.

Live YOUR potential in just being you.

For me the gold medal is just a symbol, simply the means for my purpose. This purpose is to share – A story about life, about traveling and about exploring new paths leading to your inner self and ultimately the right decisions. These stories are what excite me and give me the drive to tackle new challenges head on.

Love Life Live Life. Travel the world. Travel your soul.

Since the accident in Kaprun and the sudden change of fate I have dedicated my life to the improvement of my personal growth. This means using trial and error in order to find ways to always bring me back into a resourceful state of mind, regardless of how big the challenge is which I am facing.

My definition of BE is Flow. Flow is Present. Present to just BE.


  • MBA Coaching and Training (in progress 😉 – almost done LOL.)
  • 500hrs Yoga Teacher. Austrian TV Yoga Channel.
  • Olympian. Olympic Gold. Vice World Champion twice.
  • Ambassador for Laureus Sports For Good.
  • Austrian Women of the Year 2014.
  • Speaker at Actai New York and Mai Tai Hamptons.
  • Snowboarder <3. Nature Lover.

XO Julia